Celebrity Pregnancy News

Daily news and gossip updates about pregnant celebrities and pregnancy rumors.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Jennifer Aniston Wants To Have A Baby

Jennifer Aniston admits she is desperate to have children in the next year.

The stunning actress says she has always wanted a family and the sooner she can get started the better.

She said: "I hope to be on the road to having a family in the next year. I've said this before, but I just like being in a partnership."


Friday, March 24, 2006

Katie And Tom Spectacle Of Love As Birth Draws Near

Katie Holmes and her very large abdomen shared a public stage with Tom Cruise earlier this week. Tom's behavior was jokingly reminiscent of his Oprah appearance. If the organizers hadn't wanted that kind of spectacle, they wouldn't have had upholstured furniture on the stage.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Names for Angelina and Brad's Baby

Brad Pitt is reportedly planning to name his child Jess if it is a girl and James if it is a boy. Angelina hasn't made her intentions known, but these names sound a little tame for her. Maddox is Charles Manson's middle name.

Maybe the reason for Jennifer Aniston's reported reluctance to have a child was Brad's insistance on naming the child Troy.
